

フィノマガジン(ハンガリーワイン協会)は、ATV、TV、Duna TV、AMC NetworksのSPORT1. 2チャンネル、
Spektrum TVやTV Paprika(ティーヴィーパプリカ)等、数多くのハンガリー国内外のテレビチャンネルで活躍するプロフェッショナルなTVカメラマン
アティラ・テュルベーク氏が率いるCET Film Studioと業務提携し、ハンガリーやハンガリー近隣諸国の撮影、撮影コーディネートサービスを行っています。

ATV、Duna TV、AMC Networks、TV Paprikaなど、ハンガリーおよびアメリカのテレビ局で数多くの番組制作を手がけるハンガリー人のプロフェッショナルなカメラマンスタッフとともに、撮影代行サービス・リモート撮影・ライブストリーミング・Youtube動画撮影編集サポートを行っています。



Attila Turbék
TV & Film Cameraman

Cameraman works

1987_1993 in music recordings, then in the programs of the starting Sun and the ATV that changed it. 1993-2009 in the daily programs and external broadcasts of Duna Tv (music, theater, sports broadcasts).

ATV (formerly known as Magyar ATV) is the first Hungarian private TV channel, broadcasting continuously since 1989. 

Duna (English: Duna Channel, formerly: Duna Televízió) is one of Hungary’s public television channels. “Duna” is the Hungarian name for the Danube.Duna has been the national main channel of the public media MTVA since 15 March 2015.


Sports, concert and theater broadcasts Currently: regularly on AMC Networks Kft Sport 1, 2, Spektrum TV, TV Paprika channels, cameraman, cinematography

AMC Networks International Central and Northern Europe, an operating unit of AMC Networks International, is a leading international company in the field of broadcasting and distribution of thematic television channels. The current portfolio includes 15 television channels in a broad variety of genres including film & series, kids, infotainment and sports.


My  first  independent  cinematography  was  MTV  (  Hungarian  Public  Service   Television)Muses  Cultural  Magazine  and  MSAT  TV  Home.  his  shows  were  in   1990-­‐91  and  in  the  ATV  that  was  launched  at  the  time. 

My other cinematography 2000-2021

News Tv and ECHO TV, ATV news and Vital TV lifestyle magazine. RTL Sports Club (American Football Magazine and Broadcast)


For MTVA ( Hungarian Public Servuce Television) Farmers’ Circle, Hungarian Farmer (WMA Media Ltd., as a program producer) Independent correspondent works: ARD, ZDF German televisions, social media: Bumm, Blik magazine,
In addition to cinematography, I can also work as a editor or graphic designer. I can apply this knowledge in social media treatments, product and company management in my company at CET (Central European Time) Filmstúdió & Média kft

LATEST WINERY SHOOTING ハンガリーワイン協会との共同撮影プロジェクト

Cinematography  works  on  Danube  TV: 

Evening  Issue  -­‐  Public  Life  Magazine   Harmony  -­‐  Health  Magazine   Jump  Switch  -­‐  Equestrian  Magazine   News 


1979-1983 Győr Cuczor Gergely Benedictine Grammar School 1987 Hungarian Film and Video Association video cameraman training 1989-1992 OPAKFI (College of Optics and Acoustics) cinematography


At the level required for our work, I speak French and Russian.

Awards 受賞歴

Level Award, Golden Seagull, Tolerance Award

ハンガリーのベストワインメーカーを撮影するハンガリーワイン協会とBorzsleの共同プロジェクトでボック BOCK ヴィラーニのワイナリーオーナーと


ハンガリー・ヨーロッパ 撮影代行・リモート撮影、海外ロケ・サポートサービス

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